Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A Vegan Cake that will make you Quake

I never have been much of a baker. Smashing baked goods, yeah, 
that was more my speed. 

Hosts of The Great British Baking Show

The Great British Baking Show

Food fascinated, yes.
Cooking crazed, certainly.
Eating entertained, always.

One day about 4 months ago, I was scrolling through Netflix and stumbled upon a couple baking shows. While deciding which one to begin, I commit to the first one and pressed "ok" on The Great British Baking Show, because, well, every now and then, I love me some British accents. 

Oh boy, am I glad I selected this one! It quickly became an addiction. The contestants each season grew on me. They grew on me so much that I actually began to feel some sort of friendship through my television screen with them. You know, giggling at their silly jokes and coyishly grinning at their quirks.

It pained me to see, one by one, my friends the contestants dwindle. Goodbye fellow bakers and thank you for creating such memorable moments. Until we (never) meet again...

Anyway -  I'm rambling and blissfully reminiscing on my fake friends.

What I really wanted to get at is: watching this show ignited my inner baker, which lets be honest, didn't exist. My sister is an incredible baker with crowd "oooh-ing" tastes, elegant creations and inventive designs. Me, I got the "cook a sauce better than your grandma skills." Cooking is more my speed. 

Recently, I've been making more cakes than you can shake a stick at because I feel as if I am trying out for my own British Baking Show right here in the comfort of my own home. I have had some home runs let me tell you!

Try this vegan cake recipe, I bet you'll never be able to tell the difference between my plant powered decadent dessert and an animal secreted sweet <—gross, but true.

*Recipe from the cookbook: Chloe's Vegan Desserts

Coffee Almond Crunch Cake
Coffee Almond Crush Cake

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups sugar (bone-char free or organic)
  • 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 cups canned coconut milk (mixed well)
  • 1 cup canola oil
  • 4 Tbs. white vinegar
  • 2 Tbs. pure vanilla extract
  • 4 tsp. instant espresso powder
  • 1 cup chopped toasted almonds

  • 1 cup non-hydrogenated vegetable shortening
  • 3 cups powdered sugar (bone-char free or organic)
  • 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 3 Tbs. instant espresso powder dissolved in 1/4 cup water

  • 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips (dairy free)
  • 1/4 cup canned coconut milk (mixed well)
  • 2 Tbs. canola oil

Get your apron on, because we're making a cake: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease two 8 inch circular cake tins. Line the bottom of each tin with parchment paper. 

In a large bowl, whisk flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, and salt together, set aside. In a medium bowl, whisk coconut milk, oil, vinegar, vanilla, and espresso powder together. Pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture and whisk until just combined. Do not over-mix. 

Divide the batter evenly between the two cake tins. Bake for 35-40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of each cake comes out dry with a few crumbs clinging to it. 

Remove the cakes from the cake tins and cool on a wire rack. 

Let's get to frosting: Using a stand or hand mixer, beat the shortening until smooth. With the mixer running on low, add powdered sugar and vanilla, and beat to incorporate. Add 1 Tbs. of espresso liquid at a time as needed until the frosting reaches desired consistency and flavor. Increase speed to high and beat for 2 more minutes until light and fluffy. 

OMG = Oh My Ganache: Melt chocolate chips and coconut milk in a double boiler. You can use the microwave but just be careful to not over-cook it. Whisk in oil until smooth. 

Help me build this masterpiece! Once the cakes have cooled completely, slice off the crusty tops  so that the surface of the cake is even and flat. Begin with one cake and slather 1/3 to 1/2 of the frosting mixture on the top only. 

Place the other cake directly on top of the cake top you just frosted so that now, you have a two-tiered cake. Top this cake with the ganache. 

Pipe frosting rosettes around the outside top of the cake and pipe frosting around the center of the two cakes to "hide" the ugly ends where the cakes meet. 

Top the cake with the toasted almonds and voila!!! You have yourself a brilliant, head-turning, mouth watering creation. 

Comment and thank me below :)

Monday, December 10, 2018


Ohhhh, childhood French songs…your mother cooed you with them, Memere sang them sweetly in your ear and they were even in music class at school.

Growing up in Maine, where French was an enormous part of my life; I sang these songs day in and day out. Most times I didn't know what they meant but the tune was irresistibly catchy and sometimes there was even a dance associated with it to make it fun and interactive, yes please!

One of my ultimate favorites and the Oh So Popular "Alouette" has recently resurfaced in my life. Since having my daughter, it seems like everything we own has a music list tied into it for her listening pleasure. Lullabies and catchy upbeat tunes for mental stimulation have engulfed my home.

One of our most loved items is the Baby Einstein Play Mat complete with its very own music box. It has instrmental music from every culture made into short children toons. The French song of Alouette began to play. I completely geeked out and started in with the lyrics as if I was the Einstein in "Baby Einstein" behind it all.

I thought to myself, darn am I even saying the words correctly, its been so long. Also, what the heck does it all mean?… hello google, trusty ol' pal.

oH hoT dAmN!!!!…this song is not at all sweet!!!

Alouette, gentille Alouette
Lark, nice Lark
Alouette je te plumerai
Lark I shall pluck you
Je te plumerai la tete
I shall pluck your head
Je te plumerai la tete
I shall pluck your head
Lark, Lark


Alouette je te plumerai
Lark I shall pluck you
Alouette, gentille Alouette
Lark, nice Lark
Alouette je te plumerai
Lark I shall pluck you
Je te plumerai le bec
I shall pluck your beak
Je te plumerai le bec
I shall pluck your beak
et la tete
and your head
et la tete
and your head
Alouette, Alouette
Lark, Lark


Alouette, gentille Alouette
Lark, nice Lark

I'm not going on a huge rant or rave but what the actual heck!? How didn't I know that this dismemberment was happening? In fact, for years, I cheered it on with laudable laughs and hand claps. This song used to fill my heart with warmth and I most likely made up a gymnastics routine to it.

When I read this, my memory jogged back to childhood in high hopes no other song or venture I participated in was similar…phew, the list came back fairly small.


I don't even know what to think. As an animal advocate, today I am saddened by not knowing. I do know that this song dates WAY before me when it was acceptable and normal for farmhouse French children to pluck the ground-dwelling songbird for dinner in rough times…but yikes, if i would have known…

What are your heritage inspired songs that have shocked you lyrically now?

Friday, November 30, 2018

Poop, Tootin, Booty

Doesn't Brooks & Dunn sing it as "Boot, Scootin Boogie"?…well maybe so, but my version has changed. Poop, Tootin Bootie is much more silly to sing. It's the not-so-cutesy part of having a baby. Diapers!

Oh God... the diapers, the mess, the blowouts…but these little monsters are so darn cute, we all over-look the down-side brown side of things.

I have never laughed so hard or cheered for poop faces, toots and rumbling noises. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine myself saying "Yayyyyy, good Girl" when a mini earthquake erupted from this little person i'm holding. "Wooohoo Pepper!"

BumGenius Freetime AIO
We go through a modest 8-12 diapers per day. Choosing how to dress my Precious's back-side was a well thought out decision. We chose to use cloth diapers. Some of you may turn your noses up to this choice but after much research, the decision to do so was solidified. Who cares about the additional laundry.

Do note, that we did use disposable diapers up until she made weight to fit into the cloth nappies. For her, it was approximately 9lbs. The disposable diapers used and are still used when we are out and about in where cloth diapers are a bit more difficult to manage, are the all natural, bleach and dye free, environmentally friendlier option which run about .25-.30 per diaper.  Those suckers can add up!

Here are some diaper facts:

  • Most babies are in diapers for 2-3 years
  • Assuming 8 diapers per day, over 2.5 years, that is a total 7,300 diapers!
  • Cost = $750 - $1000 per year
  • Most disposable diapers contain traces of Dioxin, which is a toxic by-product of the bleaching process that is a carcinogenic chemical, listed by the EPA as the most toxic of all cancer-linked chemicals and is banned in most countries but not here in the US.
  • May contain Tributyl-tin (TBT), toxic pollutant that can cause hormonal problems.
  • Contain sodium polyacrylate (SAP), improves the environment for toxin producing bacteria.
Studying up on the scary facts that are diapers (there are more, trust me) that would be gracing my sweet baby's buns for the next couple years was frightening! It planted our decision to utilize mostly cloth diapers. If disposables were a must, it was the natural option, even if they are quite pricey. 

The cloth diapers we love so far are the BumGenius Freetime AIO —> BumGenius . They come in a variety of colors and are machine washable. They run approximately $20 per diaper but will last until she is 35lbs which will be the entire life of her diaper phase.

24 cloth diapers are the standard to have on hand which equates to approximately $480 total. This sounds like a lot of money upfront but if you refer back to the numbers above, this is actually a HUGE cost savings as it's only a one time purchase.

Luckily with gift certificates from the baby-shower, we barely had to tap into our own pockets to make this happen. So, a special thank you to all those who contributed to my laundry basket and a clean baby booty :).

Speaking of laundry, yes, it has increased, but c'mon, laundry cleans itself. Just pop the soiled diapers in the machine on the heavy load option with hot water and natural laundry detergent. Click that "start" button and away it cleans; like new again. My washer is not gross, or poop riddled; it's perfectly natural and normal to do with no smell or residue.

The cloth diaper game has come leaps and bounds from way back when. They are so easy and clean to use. With cute designs, colors and so many brand options, you're sure to find what works best for you and your lifestyle.

If you want more information on cloth diapering visit these sites: , , or .

Even if you can only use cloth diapers while you are at home; I really encourage you to do so. It benefits your little, the environment and your pocket. Win-Win and WIN!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Kissed by an Angeles (forest)

Freddie, my Mother and I decided to crawl out from under our bridge of a home and see the light, so to speak. Since giving birth to Pepper, I haven't strayed too far from the house. My cabin fever was getting real and setting in too hard. To cure my near jaundice state, we all decided to get out and get some fresh air and a bit of sunlight; which entailed, heading to the Angeles Forest, Mt. Baldy to be exact.

Mt. Baldy isn't too far from the condo, so I felt confident that on a Monday afternoon it would be close enough of a drive as well as not too busy to give it a go. 

We packed the baby bag with all of the goodies that I may need on our little trip out, buckled Pepper into her carseat, lock n' loaded Mumzie in the passenger seat, clicked myself in right next to Pepper in the back and Freddie stepped on that gas petal to go-go-go. Off we went indeed. We were at the foothill of Mt. Baldy in no time. It was a temperate 77 degrees. 

Up we went! The curving narrow roads lead no where but up and or off the mountain. We drove slowly to capture all of the foliage and regality in our near backyard. My mother white-knuckled the "oh shit handle" from time to time as heights really aren't her forte.

As like many mountains, we drove through dark and eerie tunnels carved for passage through the middle of the gigantic hills, spotted signs you'll most likely never see on grounded sea-level land, and endured ear popping elevation levels.

As our curvy drive up the mountain progressed, we passed a small village equipped with a tiny school, one opened restaurant, a visitor's center, a small campsite and park & hike areas. Onward we went. 

Although we did not make it to the summit as to get there would require a ski lift advance in which wasn't in the cards for the day, the sights were beautiful and it felt so wonderful to breathe fresh mountain air and feel the warm sunshine beat down on my forehead. The temperature now registered at approximately 65 degrees. I felt somewhat human again rather than my troll-like self hibernating in the depths of this dimension.

The sounds of birds singing, squirrels chattering and the wind whistling through the pine needles was extremely reviving. There were no sounds of swooshing traffic, blaring sirens, or blabbering people. 

The hustle and bustle of Southern California was what felt like left behind for the current moment. The chaos can really weigh on a person. It's no wonder the beaches and mountains are a complete necessity for sanity. Lucky for me, both are within close driving distance <3.  
The quick trip to heaven ended seemingly as quick as it began as the little one began to get restless. Back down to reality we went. Goodbye Mt. Baldy, it's been beautiful, we'll see you again real soon. 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Mama needs a Glass

Reunited, with an old friend. 

Perfect Pick-Me-Up Gift from Fred & Monique <3

It's been about a month shy of a whole year that one of my besties and I have gotten together for a good heart to heart. That sounds terribly long and completely unnecessary right? A whole year? — Well, no need to convince me, because, I was totally feeling my own pain and my girl, Wine and I were to be reunited over a glass. 

For those of you that know me and, for those of you that are getting to know me. I enjoy wine. To me, wine is one of those girlfriends who always has your back, unless you leave her out for 5 days on the counter unintentionally...then she is full of vinegar! (Rarely has that ever happened).

Wine has expanded my pallet and taught me so much about my own tastebuds. It's like going on vacation each time my lips touch the side of a glass. Tasting the fruits of the land, the rays of sunshine, or the dampness of the mossy climate sends me over-the-moon. Of course I have my preferred vacation spots, but I'm always willing to explore different blends and vintages from all across the world. 

The day had come. I was allowed to enjoy my first full (small) glass of wine again. Unfortunately, I didn't really plan it all out too much. What I should have done was head to the store and purchase one of my old time favorites. Instead, I looked straight ahead at my current, sad looking collection of four bottles laying on their side in my buffet bureau and eenie, meenie, miney, mo'd it. 

All of these bottles were gifted to me, so it certainly would be a: "lets give this a try" adventure. Since, I didn't want to drink alone and Freddie doesn't love wine, I selected a riesling. The fruit forwardness and late harvested vintage would surely be non-offensive.

At this point, some of you may be thinking; well WAIT, you have a baby and you're breastfeeding. You can't have wine. Au contraire mon cheri; I have already thought this out. Readers, meet Avent, Avent, meet Readers.

A torture chamber, chemistry project or God send? Well, some may speculate all of the three, but as I'm getting used to this device, I'll go with half mad scientist chemistry project and half God send.

Drinking while breastfeeding is dangerous and NEVER recommended! There are ways to completely avoid the dangers for your breastfed baby all the while still being able to keep your sanity and enjoy an indulgent alcoholic beverage every now and again.

There are a couple things a breastfeeding woman can do if she wants to have her cabernet and drink it too, so to speak. 1.) Pre-pump a bottle full of breastmilk, 2.) Wait it out until there is no more alcohol in your bloodstream or 2.) Pump and dump.

The breast pump is a savior for working drinking Mothers. Haha, I'm toying…the pump is great for busy Mamas who need to or have to have time away from nursing their child due to work, errands, enjoying an adult beverage or what-have-you.

My Game Plan 

Out of my three options above, I selected number 1.) Pre-pump a bottle full of breastmilk. This way, I was able to sip my glass of wine and if my sweet Pepper-Girl woke up, I would have a bottle all ready for her.

Hook Me Up Capt'n

Luckily Freddie and I did our homework. We hooked me up to this CRAZY looking contraption by Avent. It is an electric breast pump complete with a bralette in which can allow me to go "hands free." Hello blogging and mommy-ing at the same time :-).

The pump has a control panel complete with two dials. The first dial is the speed and the second is the suction. This is what the instructions advised:

I was already forewarned by an amazing Mommy friend to not crank the settings up to the fullest potential, but rather to ease into it. I read these instructions and thought "are you freaking kidding me?" —I'll be like Augustus Gloop from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and be completely sucked into the the tube after diving in - potentially never returning. The fear set in and my heart rate sped up.

Not adhering to the directions, and already pretty sore as it was, I took it slow. Laughter filled my soul at how funny and ridiculous I looked. I felt like a chemistry project with beaker tubes hooked up to my chest. "Okay, focus"…I told myself.  This is all in the name of feeding my child, and oh yeah, that well deserved glass of wine I wanted to have afterward.

Suction on. Alright, this wasn't terrible on the first notch. I can increase it, no problem. One, two, skip a few, 99, 100! (Just kidding, I didn't go all the way up!) WHOA...okay…I was feeling a little too comfortable and skipped a few notches and PINCH! Okay... dial it back down a bit. My right hand reached for the speed and put that to the fullest, which surprisingly, wasn't the scary part. It's the suction we must ALL beware of. I suppose with time, my body will adjust.

To be honest, it didn't hurt. It was a strange sensation and when I went a bit too high, it scared me and pinched a bit. What a thrill, I really could be hands free! *Sigh*, a relief. I had a bottle ready to feed my baby girl when she woke up. Phew, I already felt a little less stressed and I can certainly see why so many women rely on this golden tool for a bit of freedom.

CHEERS! I enjoyed one small glass of riesling. The cool, crisp and fruity flavors danced on the tops of my tastebuds and swirled around my mouth from cheek to cheek. Each sip was refreshing and delightful.

The wine was a well developed, old-vine riesling with a decent vintage from the Columbia Valley. So ultimately this glass should have shook me in my slippers a little right? Well, I remember enjoying the company of my ol' friend Wine so much more than this before. Why is this?

I think it may have been that my mind was focused on feeling a bit of self indulgent guilt that I wasn't feeding my baby from myself but rather a bottle. I know thats NOT a bad thing or even close to something I should feel guilt for, but for some strange reason, it got into my own head. I simply must try again soon, thats all that means, right?

I'll raise a glass to that!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Vegan Skulls

The month of October always gives me such a warm and fuzzy feeling. It may be because of the crisp morning air and the cool fall evenings. Or maybe it's the crunchy leaves on the ground rustling about; no, wait…it's the red, orange, yellow and brown decorations from door to door.

When fall hits, my heart knows the upcoming five holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Day, and Valentines Day) are going to come quickly and I must cherish each day of the joyful holiday season.

In my house, there aren't a ton of decorations but there is an Autumn spice that has peppered my home. From my pumpkins and gourds to the festive table runner, the warmth runs throughout. The best and most comforting decoration in any home is that of the kitchen!

One of my most favorite holiday decorations is the scent in the air.  Sounds unconventional, but you know when you enter someone's home or you go to your parent's house for the holidays, the smell of the oven and stovetop just consume your ever sense. Your mouth waters, your muscles loosen and a calm sweeps your soul.

Like I said, it's October, so, we must DECORATE! Whilst I'm not a great baker (my sister owns the pastry table), I do love to give it a whirl <3.

I reached for the oven knob and set it to 375 degrees; grabbed my black binder on the top of the spice box and began flipping through the pages. I stopped at an old favorite - a staple. It dates back to my great grandmother, Mary Roy: "Double Pie Crust Recipe." This undeniably simple signature crust has been used by my grandmother, all of her children and now, me thanks to my mother proudly passing this tradition down to me.

Whenever I open my black binder to this page, a flushness runs through my veins of warmth and excitement. I can always feel the love it will taste like before the first bite!

Lets make Individual Skull Head Vegan Apple Pies.

Double Pie Crust Ingredients:
  • 2 c. unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 2/3 c. vegetable shortening
  • 6-7 tbs. cold water
Mix all of these ingredients together in a large bowl until thoroughly incorporated. Roll out with a rolling pin on a flowered surface in approximately 15 small ovals, do not overwork.

Apple Pie Filling Ingredients: 
  • 6-8 tart apples
  • 1/2 c. packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 c. bone char free cane sugar
  • 3 tbs. all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
  • 1 tbs. lemon juice
  • 1 tbs. vegan margarine
In a small bowl, combine the sugars, flour and spices; set aside. In a large bowl, toss apples with lemon juice. Add sugar mixture; toss to coat. Fill a small amount of the mixture onto one side of each of the rolled oval pie crusts and fold the pie crust over. Seal the edges with a fork and cut off the excess dough. Proceed to make the face of the skull in the top of the pie —> (two small circles for the eyes, two angled slits for the nose, one long slit for the mouth with slits downward like stitches). Brush tops of skulls with melted vegan margarine. Cook in the preheated 375 degrees oven for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown on top.

Enjoy these gems warm! Ohh, don't forget to pair it with your favorite vegan ice cream. So Delicious brand has some amazing certified vegan flavors. Check your local grocery store in the freezer sections for your golden find. Here is one of my favorite flavors.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Come Give Birth with Me!

This post is dedicated to a near complete A-Z story of what my stay in the hospital was like from the moment my sandals hit the Maternity Ward to the instant I was back in the California sunlight and on my own. Keep reading :)

Friday 9/21/18

One eye opened and donut brain pretty much was the summation of Thursday night's sleep. I had set my alarm to sound at 5:30am. and of course my eyes really never closed fully throughout the night in anticipation, fear, anxiety and nerves.


5:30am was here.
My big body'd self did what it always does in the morning, some grunting noise to shimmy my upper-body half-up, a heave-ho roll over and a quiet "whoooop" of deep breath exhale to get up out of bed.

The morning was still dark and the house was still. I took my phone in my hands and went to the spare room, or should I say Pepper's soon-to-be room, where I sat, in the dark. Scrolling through my phone, I opened up YouTube and typed "Guided Meditation for anxiety." Meditating has brought me to places I never thought my mind, body and soul could go. So it was first on my agenda for the morning of Pepper's birth. My choice was selected and my body began the meditation.

This specific meditation was extremely profound for me; which is story for another day. Even typing this sentence takes me back to that morning and fills my eyes.

After a couple mediations, I began to get ready. My bags were packed, my make-up was on, and my snack bag was plump. Well, I think I'm ready.

We loaded in the vehicle and checked into the Maternity Ward.

Nurse: "Today and the past few days we have been SO busy here with births, so for now you will be sharing a room."

My heart froze and nerves set in. Sharing a room? They had mentioned the possibility of this but also said how rare this ever occurred. So of course, it wouldn't happen to me right? Okay, DEEP breath. No big deal. I can share a room.

We entered the room where another mommy was recovering behind a curtain with her baby Post-Partum. There was no one on her side of the room, no father, no visitors, no television on, just quietness. It made me even more anxious and sad, I suppose...

I was instructed to take all of my clothes off and change into of course a beautiful johnny in the shade  "bland-blue" along with my nude toned no-slip-grip socks. My hospital bed was waiting and coaxing me over with it's come hither welcoming self…not. I sat in my dedicated bed and 3 bracelets were banded to me right off the bat with applicable information needed for my stay.

The cesarean preparation began. My initial nurse was trying to find a good vein to insert the IV into and poked me 3 times in order to do so, which failed each time. It HURT like a mother f'er! She had to get back-up and have a labor and delivery nurse try. My right hand was used for this and finally a vein accepted the IV in a spot that was fairly uncomfortable but "would have to do" she mentioned. It wasn't long after this that my fluids were hooked up and I was wheeling my bag of hydration down the hallway closer to Pepper looking back at my bags and belongings.

They had both Freddie and I in a holding room where we met my anesthesiologist, Dr. Tou, my dedicated labor nurse, Jen and assistant nurse (nameless?). Freddie put on his throwaway navy blue scrubs equipped with footies, a hair net and mask. I was told to just add a hair net to my ensemble to complete the look. Freddie was instructed to stay there and my nurse Jen walked me to the OR room all by myself. My heart rate increased to the point of my bland-blue johnny visibly throbbing as I entered the room and peered around at the equipment, lights, temperature and technology.

The OR room door opened and immediately my body began to shiver and sweat at the same time. It was about 10 or so degrees cooler, the lights were a whitish-blue and the equipment was sterile and unwelcoming. Nurse Jen instructed me to sit on the table-bed in the middle of the room, I sat and looked left to where bright spotlights shinned down at the soon to be show, where I was going to be the immobile star.

Dr. Tou, my anesthesiologist told me to curl my back, not move and and hold my knees. Nurse Jen stood in front of me and pulled my shoulders toward her. They inserted the injection in my spine which would make my chest down to my feet completely numb. During this process much small talk about life, where I was from, my travels, etc. took place in order to distract me from focusing on the spinal injection and avoid entering a panic attack. They were PRO's at this! I engaged in conversation, and whilst it did help, it was certainly hard to care two bits about speaking about Maine and how lovely the seasons are there.

Dr. Tou "Okay, I'm going to need to you lie on your back"
Me: "Okay" Slowly turning myself to lie down
Dr. Tou: "Like NOW and quickly"

Oh my goodness he got assertive, was everything okay? NOW, I understood why. Instantly, my legs began to get really warm and prickly feeling. Within a matter of one minute, I was completely numb from my ribcage down. What a strange feeling. My mind raced too…If something happens, I can't run away. I'm completely dependent on someone for everything for the next few hours. Hopefully the end of the world doesn't occur because i'm completely done for. "Okay, breath…" I tapped into my meditation spot from earlier in the morning. I felt the breeze of that meadow and the wisps of grass brushing my ankles.

Nurse Jen began to slide my legs around in order to insert the catheter. I could not feel one thing! It's a great thing my mother made sure to tell me that all modesty needs to be put away once giving birth. I remembered this and it calmed me. Because, well frankly…I was nearly star-fished out there with not many more secrets to hide.

More nurses entered the room. Making a total of 6 or so total people in the OR with me. Again, being bashful wasn't an option. Quite the first meeting.

The countdown began of the equipment that would be used; making note of each piece so one doesn't accidentally get build-a-bear'd inside of me I suppose.  While this was occurring, one of the nurses was scrubbing my belly and all I could feel was pressure and my body rocking from side to side on the table-bed. Dr. Tou asked me about my pain level and how I was fairing throughout the entire process, what a nice man. He sat behind me in front of a monitor gauging my every feeling and adjusting as needed.

A large blue shield-like covering was put in front of my face and hung from pole to pole on either sides of my bed just underneath my chest so that I could not see the madness that was ensuing down below.

My delivering doctor, Dr. Phong: "We are ready for Daddy."
Nurse Jen: "I will go get him."

Moments later, Freddie entered the room still in his same wardrobe as before and sat down in a chair near my face holding my hand.
Nurse Jen: "Michelle, you are going to feel some pressure here so just take a deep breath."

I entered my meditation state once again to obstruct the pressure feeling with happy and peaceful thoughts. The sunlight warmed my forehead and Kohlo (my late dog and best friend) was sitting next to me. There was a still and calm for just as far as our eyes could see over the meadow that stretched for miles.

Within 7 minutes of the first cut, Pepper was here.

Whehhhnnnn. Whehhhnnnn. Whehhhnnnn.
Dr. Phong "Here is your baby girl!"
Dr. Tou picked my head up and dropped the shield momentarily so that I could see my sweet Pepper.

They quickly brought her over to the incubator where two nurses and Freddie tended to her, cut the umbilical cord and swaddled her up. She came in at 6lbs and 14oz.

My eyes were leaking and my chin was trembling. My entire body began shaking and quivering in overwhelming involuntary shock. My vision was blurry due to a sea of water continuously flowing. Nothing else mattered to me in the world. Nurses came back to see my face and congratulate me. Shakily whispering, I mumbeled a slurred "thank you."

While they were tending to my open wound and sewing me back up, Pepper and Freddie both stayed right with me. I couldn't much speak, I was tired, drugged and couldn't do anything but stare with drips of water oozing down my cheeks. Once she was cleaned up and swaddled, her 10 minute old self came to visit me in her Daddy's arms and stayed right near my face for the remaining 20 or so minutes of the surgery.

Once all equipment was accounted for again, they wheeled in my bed which would be my home for the duration of my stay and transferred my dead-weighted body onto it like a dolphin in a sling about to be released from captivity.  I was completely useless in helping and embraced the quick roller-coaster ride from surgical table to hospital bed. Wheeee!

Quickly, my daughter was placed in my arms all brand new. Our bond began. One of the nurses and Freddie wheeled me into recovery. Where I stayed for a duration of approximately an hour in which I fed Pepper for the first time, and vitals were taken frequently of both her and I. It was at this point were I  tried to get a grip on life and what was happening…it still hasn't set in.

The medication and anesthesia made me enter the twilight zone, so when nurses were talking, as much as I tried to engage, I was just googley-eyed and on another planet, but responsive enough to make them think I was listening or cared….sounds like I've practiced huh?

We were allowed back to our "home", room 158 in which was equipped as a sharing room but luckily we had this room solely to ourselves. Freddie had his own bed, I obviously was velcro'd (not literally) to mine for some time and Pepper had her little bassinet as well. It was official. WE WERE A FAMILY!

They fitted me with a belly band to keep my incision in tact and uninterrupted. The support was welcomed and to this day, one week later, I haven't taken it off except to shower.

My family back in Maine decided to have a Welcome to the World Pepper Party at my Grandparent's house. They had lunch and mimosas to-boot, awaiting photos and celebrating a birthday.

Friends and Family began flooding in with joy and excitement. I was so ready to show her off to them! My heart, mind and soul was trying to be present but it was certainly hard to do so. Everyone moved so slowly and my eyes still couldn't keep up as I was still in my own little world of shock and medicine.

Ut oh…room full of people and my nausea was settling in. I got sick maybe three times, but luckily nobody seemed to mind. My make-up was still in tact and it really looked like not much had happened except for, well you know…I HAD A BABY! —Here is the point in my speech were I'd like to thank Elf Cosmetics for truly a great experience and make-up tested two thumbs up. My bronzer still glowed and winged eye-liner uninterrupted.

I was fed a liquid diet of vegetable broth for both lunch and dinner in which I was able to stomach probably a half a cup total. Food wasn't a priority.

Saturday 9/22/18

Breakfast was served at 8am -dry wheat toast, roasted potatoes, oatmeal, fresh fruit, soy milk, coffee and juice. I picked at it at best and kept on with the day.

Saturday was filled with more visitors, not as many as Friday but just as much love and support as always. I'm pretty sure by now, the nursing staff were starting to think we were some sort of celebrity family by all of the attention we were receiving.

Nurses were always in and out checking up on myself, my incision and everything with Pepper. I was cleared to shower, thank GOODNESS! There is nothing more that I wanted than this. I did have to take it really slow, like slug slow. The warm water felt so relieving and rejuvenating to my body, I felt somewhat normal again.

I jumped back into a clean johnny as it was easier to wear this than my own clothes due to the nurses needing to keep checking my incision amongst other things.

**Let me just note, how much I LOVE the mesh undies they provided me. How brilliant of an invention and YES, they were just perfect!

Lunch was served at 1:30 - Water, steamed broccoli, pasta with marinara sauce, and fruit cup. Today I was so damn tired of sitting down! My tailbone was yelling at me so I decided to eat lunch standing up. I managed a couple bites and got bored and, okay…ready to sit back down.

A few more family members graced us in between this time and dinner. We did have some down time in which we took advantage of with naps in between feedings and new born care.

Dinner was served at 6pm - Water, veggie burger, vegetable soup, and steamed broccoli. I couldn't even bare the site of food so Freddie munched down!

I did bring snacks so when I was hungry I enjoyed those.

Evening came quick and this was a better night sleep than the previous one.

Sunday 9/23/18

After speaking with the nurses and pediatrician we felt confident we could take this family party back to our house. The staff discharged us at around 2:30pm.

Breakfast, served again at 8am consisted of oatmeal, fresh fruit, soy milk, coffee as ordered. Lunch was a fantastic tofu stir fry and minestrone soup with water.

The nurse staff was more than accommodating and were constantly in and out of our room checking Pepper's vitals, her pee, poop and feeding chart, as well as all of my vitals and incision. I'm beyond impressed with our level of care and attention. Overall, it was a great experience.

Freddie packed the room up, brought our items to the car and came back with her car seat. We buckled her in, snuggled her up and the nurse took a family photo. <3

The door opened to the outside world. Sunshine and warmth flooded in as the door pushed out. I carried a baby blanket and Freddie had the car seat. My right foot stepped onto the walkway and, it was official. We were on our own...We buckled her in and I sat in the back seat with her and home we went.

I didn't really know how to feel. Excited? Nervous? Alone? Anxious? To be honest, I felt a still in the world. The noise was US and we were driving in a quiet world. Yes, life was moving around us and people were about their business, but for some reason, I felt louder than any other person, object, or car on our path.

After making a quick detour to Jamba Juice and CVS for pain medication, we pulled up at home, unloaded the car and stepped into the condo. It was silent here and I knew in that moment that our world had changed. Forever! I took a deep breath and thought to myself. Okay, let's do life.