Monday, December 10, 2018


Ohhhh, childhood French songs…your mother cooed you with them, Memere sang them sweetly in your ear and they were even in music class at school.

Growing up in Maine, where French was an enormous part of my life; I sang these songs day in and day out. Most times I didn't know what they meant but the tune was irresistibly catchy and sometimes there was even a dance associated with it to make it fun and interactive, yes please!

One of my ultimate favorites and the Oh So Popular "Alouette" has recently resurfaced in my life. Since having my daughter, it seems like everything we own has a music list tied into it for her listening pleasure. Lullabies and catchy upbeat tunes for mental stimulation have engulfed my home.

One of our most loved items is the Baby Einstein Play Mat complete with its very own music box. It has instrmental music from every culture made into short children toons. The French song of Alouette began to play. I completely geeked out and started in with the lyrics as if I was the Einstein in "Baby Einstein" behind it all.

I thought to myself, darn am I even saying the words correctly, its been so long. Also, what the heck does it all mean?… hello google, trusty ol' pal.

oH hoT dAmN!!!!…this song is not at all sweet!!!

Alouette, gentille Alouette
Lark, nice Lark
Alouette je te plumerai
Lark I shall pluck you
Je te plumerai la tete
I shall pluck your head
Je te plumerai la tete
I shall pluck your head
Lark, Lark


Alouette je te plumerai
Lark I shall pluck you
Alouette, gentille Alouette
Lark, nice Lark
Alouette je te plumerai
Lark I shall pluck you
Je te plumerai le bec
I shall pluck your beak
Je te plumerai le bec
I shall pluck your beak
et la tete
and your head
et la tete
and your head
Alouette, Alouette
Lark, Lark


Alouette, gentille Alouette
Lark, nice Lark

I'm not going on a huge rant or rave but what the actual heck!? How didn't I know that this dismemberment was happening? In fact, for years, I cheered it on with laudable laughs and hand claps. This song used to fill my heart with warmth and I most likely made up a gymnastics routine to it.

When I read this, my memory jogged back to childhood in high hopes no other song or venture I participated in was similar…phew, the list came back fairly small.


I don't even know what to think. As an animal advocate, today I am saddened by not knowing. I do know that this song dates WAY before me when it was acceptable and normal for farmhouse French children to pluck the ground-dwelling songbird for dinner in rough times…but yikes, if i would have known…

What are your heritage inspired songs that have shocked you lyrically now?

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