Monday, October 8, 2018

Vegan Skulls

The month of October always gives me such a warm and fuzzy feeling. It may be because of the crisp morning air and the cool fall evenings. Or maybe it's the crunchy leaves on the ground rustling about; no, wait…it's the red, orange, yellow and brown decorations from door to door.

When fall hits, my heart knows the upcoming five holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Day, and Valentines Day) are going to come quickly and I must cherish each day of the joyful holiday season.

In my house, there aren't a ton of decorations but there is an Autumn spice that has peppered my home. From my pumpkins and gourds to the festive table runner, the warmth runs throughout. The best and most comforting decoration in any home is that of the kitchen!

One of my most favorite holiday decorations is the scent in the air.  Sounds unconventional, but you know when you enter someone's home or you go to your parent's house for the holidays, the smell of the oven and stovetop just consume your ever sense. Your mouth waters, your muscles loosen and a calm sweeps your soul.

Like I said, it's October, so, we must DECORATE! Whilst I'm not a great baker (my sister owns the pastry table), I do love to give it a whirl <3.

I reached for the oven knob and set it to 375 degrees; grabbed my black binder on the top of the spice box and began flipping through the pages. I stopped at an old favorite - a staple. It dates back to my great grandmother, Mary Roy: "Double Pie Crust Recipe." This undeniably simple signature crust has been used by my grandmother, all of her children and now, me thanks to my mother proudly passing this tradition down to me.

Whenever I open my black binder to this page, a flushness runs through my veins of warmth and excitement. I can always feel the love it will taste like before the first bite!

Lets make Individual Skull Head Vegan Apple Pies.

Double Pie Crust Ingredients:
  • 2 c. unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 2/3 c. vegetable shortening
  • 6-7 tbs. cold water
Mix all of these ingredients together in a large bowl until thoroughly incorporated. Roll out with a rolling pin on a flowered surface in approximately 15 small ovals, do not overwork.

Apple Pie Filling Ingredients: 
  • 6-8 tart apples
  • 1/2 c. packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 c. bone char free cane sugar
  • 3 tbs. all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
  • 1 tbs. lemon juice
  • 1 tbs. vegan margarine
In a small bowl, combine the sugars, flour and spices; set aside. In a large bowl, toss apples with lemon juice. Add sugar mixture; toss to coat. Fill a small amount of the mixture onto one side of each of the rolled oval pie crusts and fold the pie crust over. Seal the edges with a fork and cut off the excess dough. Proceed to make the face of the skull in the top of the pie —> (two small circles for the eyes, two angled slits for the nose, one long slit for the mouth with slits downward like stitches). Brush tops of skulls with melted vegan margarine. Cook in the preheated 375 degrees oven for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown on top.

Enjoy these gems warm! Ohh, don't forget to pair it with your favorite vegan ice cream. So Delicious brand has some amazing certified vegan flavors. Check your local grocery store in the freezer sections for your golden find. Here is one of my favorite flavors.

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