Friday, November 30, 2018

Poop, Tootin, Booty

Doesn't Brooks & Dunn sing it as "Boot, Scootin Boogie"?…well maybe so, but my version has changed. Poop, Tootin Bootie is much more silly to sing. It's the not-so-cutesy part of having a baby. Diapers!

Oh God... the diapers, the mess, the blowouts…but these little monsters are so darn cute, we all over-look the down-side brown side of things.

I have never laughed so hard or cheered for poop faces, toots and rumbling noises. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine myself saying "Yayyyyy, good Girl" when a mini earthquake erupted from this little person i'm holding. "Wooohoo Pepper!"

BumGenius Freetime AIO
We go through a modest 8-12 diapers per day. Choosing how to dress my Precious's back-side was a well thought out decision. We chose to use cloth diapers. Some of you may turn your noses up to this choice but after much research, the decision to do so was solidified. Who cares about the additional laundry.

Do note, that we did use disposable diapers up until she made weight to fit into the cloth nappies. For her, it was approximately 9lbs. The disposable diapers used and are still used when we are out and about in where cloth diapers are a bit more difficult to manage, are the all natural, bleach and dye free, environmentally friendlier option which run about .25-.30 per diaper.  Those suckers can add up!

Here are some diaper facts:

  • Most babies are in diapers for 2-3 years
  • Assuming 8 diapers per day, over 2.5 years, that is a total 7,300 diapers!
  • Cost = $750 - $1000 per year
  • Most disposable diapers contain traces of Dioxin, which is a toxic by-product of the bleaching process that is a carcinogenic chemical, listed by the EPA as the most toxic of all cancer-linked chemicals and is banned in most countries but not here in the US.
  • May contain Tributyl-tin (TBT), toxic pollutant that can cause hormonal problems.
  • Contain sodium polyacrylate (SAP), improves the environment for toxin producing bacteria.
Studying up on the scary facts that are diapers (there are more, trust me) that would be gracing my sweet baby's buns for the next couple years was frightening! It planted our decision to utilize mostly cloth diapers. If disposables were a must, it was the natural option, even if they are quite pricey. 

The cloth diapers we love so far are the BumGenius Freetime AIO —> BumGenius . They come in a variety of colors and are machine washable. They run approximately $20 per diaper but will last until she is 35lbs which will be the entire life of her diaper phase.

24 cloth diapers are the standard to have on hand which equates to approximately $480 total. This sounds like a lot of money upfront but if you refer back to the numbers above, this is actually a HUGE cost savings as it's only a one time purchase.

Luckily with gift certificates from the baby-shower, we barely had to tap into our own pockets to make this happen. So, a special thank you to all those who contributed to my laundry basket and a clean baby booty :).

Speaking of laundry, yes, it has increased, but c'mon, laundry cleans itself. Just pop the soiled diapers in the machine on the heavy load option with hot water and natural laundry detergent. Click that "start" button and away it cleans; like new again. My washer is not gross, or poop riddled; it's perfectly natural and normal to do with no smell or residue.

The cloth diaper game has come leaps and bounds from way back when. They are so easy and clean to use. With cute designs, colors and so many brand options, you're sure to find what works best for you and your lifestyle.

If you want more information on cloth diapering visit these sites: , , or .

Even if you can only use cloth diapers while you are at home; I really encourage you to do so. It benefits your little, the environment and your pocket. Win-Win and WIN!

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