Monday, September 17, 2018


8/11/18 Baby Shower
Some/ most of you may know, and others, this comes to as a surprise. Well...SURPRISE, I'm expecting my first child this Friday 9/21.

It's been quite a ride for these past nearly 10 months of growing another human being. I can't believe she will be here in about 4 days. It doesn't seem real, and all of this actually feels very much like a story book. Pinch Me, Please!

Since finding out I was pregnant, up until now, Mommies have been haunting me at every Target, finding themselves in line behind me at the grocery store, to even literally bumping into me at an MMA fight. I suppose, Mommies attract other Mommies. It's like we subconsciously summons each other to be in the same vicinity for strength and power; and when we are in the same area, all we need to do is lock eyes real quick and it's a: "girl, I know", with NO words spoken but all the respect given.

Men and Women alike have been so kind and gracious to me. I feel as if, wherever I go there is a red carpet rolled out before me and people cheer, stare with kind eyes and smile at me walking through. Alright - it does sound like a movie, but I swear I'm the STAR.
At first this made me very uncomfortable and uneasy, as being the center of attention is not where I thrive, especially if I'm feeling a bit heavier these days. As time progressed and so did my belly, my mind accepted the special attention and even looked forward to it at times for a bit of a "pick-me-up" if you will.

Luckily, my pregnancy has been such an easy one. I will not brag about this because many women can not relate, but I will say how blessed I have been and I currently still am. I do credit my lifestyle and food choices to the healthiness this pregnancy has graced me with. Being vegan and staying mobile and active has allowed my body to absorb and even avoid the not-so-grate parts of the process.

Here are some stats:

Cravings: Orange juice and Edamame for the first and some of the second trimester, other than that...nothing. (I know, SO BORING).
Loathes: The smell of Fabuloso cleaning solution, the 1st & 2nd trimester I couldn't stand the smell/taste of cracked black pepper, alcohol on people's breath.
Weight Gain: 26lbs
Activity Level: Most every day walking anywhere from 3-8 miles.
Issues/Complications: Breech Baby all the way through
Name: Pepper
Gender: Female
Race: EVERYTHING! (British, Western European, Spanish, Portuguese, Nigerian, Native American,

7/28/18 Freddie's 1st MMA fight (1-0)
Mexican) etc. etc. etc. The race box check will be a confusing one in years to come.

For all of those Mommies out there, brand new, two or three in, and even the OG's...YOU ARE SUPERHUMAN, don't let anyone try to take that away from you.

Our bodies are wildly intricate, nourishing and most of all sexy. I tip my cap to all women out there who have given birth, or who are currently in the process of cooking new life. You are amazing!

A few shout-outs to some amazing women that have recently given birth within the last few months as well as those who are cooking life. <3 Sending strength & love your way:

-Lindsay Lindvall
-Sarah Lee
-Elisha Marie
-Emily Bryant
-Meg Brann
-Meg Dyer
-Ellen Stevens
-Meaghan Stiman-Bakhtiari
-Casey Walsh-Storey
-Hannah Duguie
-Betsy Desjardins
-Teresa Avalos
-Michelle James
-Sophia Vallett
-Joanna Jimenez

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