Sunday, February 4, 2018

What is Your Raw Side?

The Need For Balance Is Real.

Right this moment I am feeling the need to expose a bit of my raw side. It's a portion of my compositional self that is, how do I explain...rather mossy?

Every person has ebb and tide to their emotions, feelings and wants right? It's an uncyclical-cyclical pattern, if that makes ANY sense at all. The body just tells you what it needs in order to function "normally" or even back to balance every now and then...and you must listen!

I mean sometimes for example: you just have this need to exert a ton of internal pent up energy; so you yell at the top of your lungs and/or throw something REALLY hard and ohhhhh, it feels so good and that weight is lifted off your shoulders.

Maybe you've been craving Chinese food; I mean LOTS of Chinese food because you've been so very good all week. After your gluttonous indulgence, the craving is satisfied and your body is ready to take on the world, again!

It could be that the doctor ordered a good dosage of a crazy night out to let loose with no care, and a small consequential hangover in the morning. Ouch, the headache but YES, the freedom!

Every now and then my personal body and internal self needs to be balanced or grounded to feel "normal". My balance and groundation can come in a couple different forms, but most of the time it is in the form of nature. 

If I'm ever feeling "off", c'mon, you know you've had PLENTY of those days....My "off" to me can sometimes feel like my body is heavy on one side, as if I'm carrying a load twice my weight. My eyes are seeing in gray, my irritation levels are peaked and my emotions are glass-jagged.

My cure or psychological calming method is to "feel Earth". It's helped balance me in ways I can't describe with words. When I say "feel Earth" I mean, maybe to intertwine twigs or greenery in my hair, or take a walk on a trail and pick leaves and sticks up along the way, or sometimes its skimming my feet in the water while feeling the sand pull from under me as the tide retracts. It's quite literally, feeling Earth.

Mother Nature is so powerful; from her gusting winds to her leaping fires, she commands balance and respect. She makes me feel alive!

"She is the path that you walk on but she is also the path that engulfs you."

Never forget that. 

The power and energy that is encapsulated in every tree branch to each grain of sand is, to me, some of the greatest and most balancing pieces known to mankind. It's like reaping the benefits of drinking an energy drink, however, it doesn't give me jitters or heart palpitations. It doesn't even offer bad breath or a crash at the end. "Feeling Earth" is a natural energy drink that allocates an invisible superhuman cape to allow perseverence without hesitation. It provides consistent and confident energy to succeed all while healing my mind/body and soul just by being made from the queen of all mothers, Mother Nature. 

Treating her with dignity today will save you from her allocated penance tomorrow. 

You may think I'm certifiable or you may even be able to relate. Either way, I hope you find or know how to find your balance. 

Everyone needs to hit the "reset button" every now and again. Don't be afraid to do it and NEVER be ashamed at what it is that your body craves in order to obtain that feeling of life fulfillment.

Cheers to internal and mental wellbeing!

What is your raw side?

1 comment:

  1. What a seriously sincere attempt to describe the transcendental. I relate to the yearnings for a sense of renewal and reconnection.
