Friday, January 5, 2018


Back at it again, saving fuzzies all over the USA.

Some of you readers may already know that recently I lost my best friend, my companion, my son, my four-legged handsomeness. Kohlo (my dog), may he enjoy jumping from cloud to cloud with no rules for the rest of eternity.  It has been quite the struggle for me whilst coping. I've been reaching at many different ways to free my heart from sadness and refill it with gladness. My emotional volatility has hit many different points on the spectrum of grieving and I'm sure more are to come.

<<Uncontrollable Tears       Heart-renching Sadness       Anger        Pitty     WTF do I do now >> 

My eyes, heart, soul, and body are all so completely TIRED of hanging my head and kicking dirt from the blues, that I really need to readjust myself or these blues will permanently take a toll.

The only person who can change her outlook on an unfortunate situation, 
is none other than her own damn self!  

"Okay Michelle, everything lives and dies. You have shed your tears and reflected long enough. It's now time to redirect your energy and use it toward something productive, something that will make a positive difference." This was and is my internal pep-talk that plays on repeat, yes, repeat...even as I type this, right this very moment. 

Thats it!!!! The lightbulb came on for me! I'll get back into Dog Transporting...I've missed it so very much.

First Transport Run with KHTC 2015
Dog transporting you ask, what is that? The goal of dog transporting is to re-home animals that are currently living in extreme and unfortunate situations/conditions to a place where they stand a second chance at life. This could mean, re-locating a dog from a high kill shelter in lets just say, Texas to a sanctuary where he has the potential at being adopted in upstate New York. Transporting these animals requires a group of volunteers to make it all happen. 

These volunteers are part of a larger organization. I currently work with Kindred Heart Transport Connection, KHTC. They are a world-wide company that relies on volunteers to make magic happen. Visit their website for more information. If you are feeling inspired to help make a difference, donate or sign up to be a volunteer.  Click this link: KHTC

KHTC has organizers that outline a specific animal(s) trip from starting point to their end destination.  This trip has many different "legs" or drive portions in which volunteers  will sign up and subsequently are accountable for. As a volunteer you can take on as many "legs" of the trip as you wish.  Once your portion has been fulfilled, the dog(s)/animal(s) are passed off to the next volunteer who proceeds with their specific outlined route. The animal(s) do get bounced around from vehicle to vehicle and in some cases, plane to plane, but the end result is ALL the way worth it. 

My first dog run out here in California is coming up. I'm beyond thrilled and so excited to meet the precious pumpkin I'll be cruising with. My co-pilot will make nose window art, no doubt. He'll leave a fur trail for me to clean up without offering to help. He may even drool all over me and my car all while wagging his tail in excitement about it. It's things like this that make me feel alive.

I'm ready to turn my blues upside-down and inside-out. Who's with me!?

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