Saturday, December 30, 2017

Vegan from my Head down Tomatoes

October 8, 2015 was the date that I made one of the largest commitments to my mind and body ever!

Staying true to my vow at health and internal wellbeing has only grown stronger as each moment progresses. My decision to adopt a vegan lifestyle has been solidified each and every day.

My Quick Health Story
Since birth I have had extreme food allergies. So much so that I was sent to a specialist in a different state to be evaluated.  The norm was to drug a child up with pill after pill to mask the symptoms. This was my reality for the first 6 or so years of my life.  The type of food allergies I was experiencing was "unheard" of back in the 80s. Still today, many pill pushers (doctors) are sadly uneducated in nutrition and therefore rely on chemical additives to the body to alleviate or suppress health issues.

I was diagnosed with cerebral allergies. This specific type of allergy affected my brain and ultimately EVERYTHING about me.  My parents were so patient, as I was a completely unruly child; so much so that I made the newspaper in a story under the headline of: "The Year of The Screamer". Here's to my parents for not giving up!! 

A specific diet was created for me in which I was to follow for YEARS and YEARS. Once food was being used to cure me, I was off all of my six different medications and food was my sole medicine!  How CRAZY right?  Food = medicine.

I ultimately grew out of most of my food allergies. Due to my own experience with utilizing food as medicine; it has always interested me and I have continued to educate myself of the benefits and remedies that it can hold. 

Each vegan has their own reason as to why they joined in this lifestyle. My reason to adopt a plant-based diet began for health reasons. After studying up on the benefits of pure plant-based whole foods' benefits, I was sold! As my education of the lifestyle continued, my purchasing and use habits morphed as well.  What I ingest, what I use on my skin, hair, and body also reflect my STRONG decision to not support animal cruelty. The environment will thank you, the animals will thank you and you will thank you.

Currently every product used on my hair, skin, face, and body are vegan and cruelty free. That means all of my clothing, make-up, hair products, lotions, perfumes, shoes, accessories are ALL animal-free.

Choosing this lifestyle has freed me internally. I don't eat or wear the pain that was felt from an animal being murdered. To me, this translates to only clean energy fueling my body rather than (stressed, scared, painful and terror) energy that animals live through up until their very last breath.

Becoming a cleaner eater has awaken my spirituality as well. I'm more conscious of energy between people, thoughts, actions, ideas, and intentions. It has prompted a more sensitive and passionate side of me.

I feel more connected with myself, my body, my Earth, and all living things in a peaceful way rather than supporting an industry of hate, cruelty, murder and pain simply in the name of flavor or fashion. NOTHING tastes good enough to me to want to support that type of industry. Beauty does NOT have to equal pain.

Start off small if you are unsure about going all the way in. Incrementally changing your diet and products you use are a great place to begin. Eat one vegan meal a day to start. The next time you need to purchase a bronzer or shampoo, choose a cruelty free brand that doesn't test on animals. Trust me, you'll feel better, knowing you are making a difference and not supporting an industry of terror. 

There are so many vegan and cruelty free products out there. Here are a few amazing products to try that I swear by. 

Aveda Lip Saver
Follow Your Heart Cheese
Schmidt's Deodorant
Nutritional Yeast
OGX Brand Body & Hair
Anthropology Vegan Leather Jackets

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