Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Birds, The Bees and Whats in the Sea

The Birds, The Bees and Whats in the Sea

You know what I'm talking about right?

I'm talking about Phytoplankton!

Yes, this blog entry is going to get a bit scientifically nerdy on you. Can you hang, or shall I say swim? <---that was corny, I know.

I suggest grabbing a glass of wine and a snack because this read could change your game.

As a new-found staple in my pantry, this super food will stand up to any nutrition-packed fruit/veg/grain in existence.  In fact, if I could choose anything to be on my kickball team, I'd pick Phytoplankton, we would DESTROY!

"Derived from the Greek words phyto (plant) and plankton (made to wander/drift), phytoplankton are microscopic organisms that live in both salty and fresh watery environments." (Nasa.Gov)

Also known as micro marine algae. They are found in the upper part of the ocean, floating around (too small for the naked eye to see). Due to phytoplankton living near the tops of bodies of water, the sunlight penetrates the algae through a plant process called photosynthesis, making this, a Green Machine.

"Nasa called Marine Phytoplankton the most important plant in the world, providing almost all of the Earth's oxygen and serving as a vital food supply for marine life (and humans!)." (

Here are just some of the health benefits phytoplankton offers (

  • Anti-Cancer Effects
    • The antioxidant properties have significant power to aid in fighting cancer.
  • Mood & Energy Boosting
    • Has antidepressant properties aiding in increased natural energy as well as a calming effect helping anxiety.
  • Detoxification
    • The SOD (superoxide dismutase) has been shown as an effective heavy metal detox agent.
  • Liver & Immune Booster
    • Phytoplankton can be absorbed on a cellular level meaning that the body doesn't need to rely on the digestive system or liver to process. It raises levels of CD3 (T-cells which are essential for human immunity) ultimately boosting immunity.
  • Cellular Regeneration
    • It can strengthen cell membranes and trigger the regeneration of current cells.
  • Heart Healthy
    • By ingesting phytoplankton, it will increase levels of EPA and DHA (fatty acids in body) levels, helping reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Due to the potency of a high quality marine algae, the smell will be a bit oceanic or fishy. You can purchase this product in liquid, pill or powder form. I currently use the powder form.

My prince charming ball of perfection, Kohlo (11yr. old boxer/hound mix) and I use this every single day. I sprinkle a 1/4 tsp on his food both morning and night. I usually take 3/4 - 1 tsp of the powder for me through a smoothie in the morning in which I can not taste any fishiness. 

Another way of ingesting phytoplankton would be to stir the powder or liquid into water, juice or any beverage and... well..."down the hatch".

This about wraps up my TEAM PLANKTON speech and health rant for now. 

Until next time...Cheers!🐠🐟

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