Saturday, November 18, 2017

Reality Vs. The Comic World

Reality vs. The Comic World

Well, here we's been a while, and I've missed you.

I took a reading, blogging and many previously enjoyable things in my life hiatus after my move to California. This blog entry is my assertion to myself that I will be making a conscious effort to do exactly what I said I would do with this blog:

"I'm not sure where this blog is headed nor what exactly lies in my future. Wherever life takes me, I, from this day on, swear to cherish and embrace the organic flow of time and appreciate the things that truly make me smile."

The above quote was dated November 2016. One full year ago!

The holiday spirit, Christmas music stations, cool evenings and warm smells of cooking with love snagged me back as a wake-up to reality.

Here is a quick overview:

Live: Southern California is where I hang my hat. The weather is still fairly warm here. This weekend the weather man mentioned the temperature to be approximately 70-80 degrees. Hmmm...what an odd feeling for November. The palm trees, and sunshine certainly aren't hard to take!

Work: 1.) Bartending
           2.) Social Media Manager for 
           3.) **upcoming Amazon Business** in the works (blog post about this soon)

Play: Since living here, I have been beyond fortunate enough to site see and go a TON of different places in a short amount of time all over this state and surrounding states.


"I don't love it here."

Okay, since being here it hasn't been cupcakes and gumdrops. Yes, I have done a bunch of traveling and had a lot of great experiences since January that many people living here haven't even done. I'm blessed and truly grateful for this! However, It has been extra difficult relating to the culture and acclimating to the way of life on the SOCAL West Coast.

What has pulled me through and continues to do so are: the new family that has adopted me with loving and open arms, my boyfriend and of course Kohlo (as always).

California is known as the state you chase your dreams in to gain fortune and fame. It's home to hundreds of Hollywood Stars, some of the worlds most impressive Surgeons and Doctors, Hustlers in many forms, aspiring Artists, Musicians, Actors, you name it...they are here trying and some are winning.

From my experience so far I've noticed: (note this doesn't apply to everyone here, so don't get too offended, if you are offended, then it's probably you I'm referring to).

Many people living in SOCAL aren't living for themselves or for their own happiness but that of what society tells them happiness and success is. There is quite a surface level of truth where no one knows or wants to know whats deep down or whats truly REAL. The falsities men and women portray is cringeworthy. Especially women! I'M ASHAMED of you ladies, c'mon!!!!


I don't want to leave this post with you thinking I'm bitter and full of vinegar. It is certainly a beautiful state in which I definitely have a lot more touring and site seeing to do.

From what I've noticed, it takes tough skin and an impermeable personality to stay true to your roots and that is JUST what I'll continue to do and hopefully makes some waves around me ;) Who's with me?!?!?!?


  1. Oh yes- I grew up in Southern California if you want more real - just go further north eventually you find women who embrace the unshaven armpit and Unplucked brow. The closer you get to Hollywood the further you get from real. That is a generalization of coarse, but I know there was a lot of pressure in Southern California to be achieve beauty with little attention to what was beneath .

    1. Thats right, I forgot you mentioned being a California Native. Yes, I think I need to spend some more time up North. I've heard the very same, in which people mention that it is a bit more care-free. But I will certainly keep shaving my legs and pluck my brows, THAT won't change :) hahaha!

  2. Keep being who you are!! You are loved just that way by some SoCal natives������

  3. California is like an untended field of weeds. Each weed trying to make it, no matter the cost to it’s neighbor. It is hard to find the roses, and even harder to clear a spot to plant your own roots. But the soil is strong, so never give up and never let the weeds stop you. They are just weeds after all.

    1. Wow, this is a really beautiful way to look at it. Thank you!
