Thursday, December 7, 2017

Cannabidoil (CBD) for Dogs

Cannabis has been sweeping the United States with its legalization and usage in the past few years. Many people, doctors and animals alike are experiencing the undeniable health benefits of this holistic medication. From those with seizures, to chronic pain, and anxiety, this drug has really taken the medical world of treatment to another level.

Many people still disagree with the usage of cannabis but I believe those people have not fully understood or educated themselves on the regality of this herb and how it can and will benefit the body if used correctly.

CBD Oil for Dogs.

Name: Kohlo
Description: Brindle
Type: Dog
Breed: Boxer/Hound
Weight: 70lbs healthy (50lbs currently)
Age: 11yrs

This handsome four-legged fuzz-muffin is my rock, my everything, my best friend, my son. I adopted him in New Mexico back in 2007. Kohlo has been my velcro-pup since then. He's moved from state to state along my side with such resilience and accommodation of my nomadic ways. For that...I'm indebted.

Throughout the years, he has had and continues to have health issues. The first scare was when he was only four years old; being diagnosed with cancer meant nothing to him, but a total wrecking ball for me.  We took the chance and underwent surgery twice to remove a of couple spots. Kohlo looked at me with steady, trusting eyes and the strongest heart ever with complete faith in us moving forward together; which is exactly what we did.

With age, most dogs slow down and Kohlo, unfortunately wasn't exempt. Needless to say, he stopped being my running partner a while ago and now, I have all I can do to get him steady on his legs for a short walk.

This past year he was diagnosed with liver disease, he still has cancer, and arthritis has engulfed his back legs.

Watching him decline so quickly is jarring to say the least. You never think about/expect  that your animal that has been so active and a huge part of your life can get old and be anything other than a super-dog! It's really tough to feel emotionally. Yes, it's life and this was set to happen...but why now, and can we please hold off? I'm not ready to face this....

We have tried a cocktail of medications to find the perfect recipe for pain relief and comfort. His medications have been paired with reiki, acupressure, injections, prescription food, oral medications and dietary supplements.

My research and persistence to get this old man healthier has led me to CBD oil.

What is CBD?
Cannabidoil (aka CBD) is one of 85 different key ingredients in the marijuana plant. It is different than THC in the fact that in CBD there are NO psychoactive properties which means the body will never feel "high" upon consumption.

CBD oil has been cleared by the FDA and is legal for both dogs and humans. Not all animal will benefit from cannabinoids. The body must have an endocannabinoid system in which research has shown that dogs, cats, horses and humans do which means that we all can accept and process cannabinoids, reaping ALL of the encapsulated health benefits.

The health benefits of this homeopathic addition to Kohlo's diet should increase his mobility, ease pain, reduce inflammation, fight cancer cells, aid in liver function and increase appetite. This is EXACTLY what he needs.

I'm looking forward to trying this product and documenting his changes. I'll post an updated blog entry with my full review. Stay Tuned <3

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