Saturday, January 7, 2017

From Music Notes to West Texas Boots

6:45am: Good chilly morning Nashville, TN. At cloudy and overcast 28 degrees start, we were still bundled up in our winter gear from up north. I certainly didn’t think that would happen. 

As a morning bird, I took the first leg of the trip. Coffee in hand, belly full and ready to cruise, cruise, cruise. The music stations had more country songs serenading every listener than I have ever encountered. 

Shortly into our trip we saw the aftermath of the first terrible car accident. I can’t even begin to describe how terrible it was, and I’m not going to. The mangled and torched vehicle was on the opposite side of the interstate surrounded by so many flashing blue and red lights. My stomach seized up and a quietness enveloped our car. We said a quick prayer and kept on.

I know this is quite a heavy intro to a blog, but the second wreck was only about 2 hours after the first. Again…we said a prayer and proceeded on. 

My eyes were from then on peeled open! 

Welcome to Arkansas.

I’m pretty sure Arkansas is a state that doesn’t really know their identity (I say this in a teasing manner). If Arkansas were a person, she would be wearing Birdberry instead of Burberry, she’d have a pet goat on a leash who she taught to bark like a dog. Arkansas might even drive a beat up lemon and write corvette on it in sharpie. Funny as it may be, the state bird is a Mockingbird. They have cities with names like: Texarkana & Arkadelphia, not to mention the state name is arKANSAS.

In all seriousness, this state is very beautiful. The Mississippi river runs though it, which was really cool to see. It’s known for it’s parks, wilderness, caves, rivers and hot springs. 

Texas! We made a two our stop in Dallas to see Freddie’s family. The love and reconnection with him and his family was touching to see and be a part of. After this quick visit with them, we drove on for another few hours to Abilene, TX and rested for the evening. WOW it felt good to lay down. 

Sleep for now, Drive for later ;)


1 comment:

  1. My condolences to the families of those drivers. My best wishes go out to you and your comrades, for a safe and increasingly upbeat remainder of your trip! -R2T2
