Thursday, January 5, 2017

My Maine Stay Took Me Away

My stay in Maine has been filled with family, friends, love and food which was a much needed home-base touch down.

Christmas Eve was spent with my father, his wife Leane, her family and my grandmother. There were about 30 of us at his house all gathered around the dining room table munching on appetizers and huddling near the glowing pellet stove, warming up from the bitter cold outside. If this doesn't scream holiday love, I'm not sure what does.

Christmas Day was spent at my mother's house where about 40 of us noshed on an enormous amount of food, played games, caught up and enjoyed how grateful we all are. We toasted to the remembrance of lost ones, embraced the new ones and celebrated recent life accomplishments.

A couple days after Christmas we were graced with nearly 20 inches of snow and a couple days later, 3 more! Silly me, I played my overly confident self and thought I was able to strike out in the beginning of the snowstorm with note that I wouldn't be gone long. 1.5hrs later, I was calling my step father to come rescue me in his Dodge 4x4. The RAM power got us back home safely. I did have to forfeit my car on the side of the road overnight and gather it back up in the morning where it was completely cocooned by a white blanket of snow.

New Year's Eve was spent in Scarborough where I enjoyed a beautiful wedding. Lindsey and James Lindvall exchanged vows and tied their families together in love. The New Year was ran in and 2016 is now in the past!

What a wonderful visit with my family and friends. I am so blessed.

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