Wednesday, December 21, 2016

First Stop...Maine, of course!

"She packed up her potential and all she had learned, grabbed a Cute pair of shoes and headed out to change a few things"
Mom's Front Porch <3

Sunday 12/18 I began packing my car. Each square inch was slowly being overtaken with "STUFF".  Anxiety was on the rise. My vision was shifting between the inside of my apartment where the rest of my things waited patiently to be tucked away in my car that was near full. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!?!

Emotions over the past week have been at an all time high level. For those of you who know me, know that I am not a super sensitive person (i.e. I don't cry often or get too mushy with feelings/emotions). This past week, all bets were off and my internal self said..."Michelle, shut up, you're human damnit!" The emotions started to fly. My raw feelings surfaced (for a few days at least) and it has been exhausting.

It has been a really crazy 2016 and I think most of those emotions that had been bottled up, released a bit. Phew...super draining...

My drive to Maine began at 7:00pm Sunday 12/18. I decided to drive through the evening for three reasons: (1) There will be less commotion on the road, so the trip will be quicker (2) Less chance of any accidents due to less traffic. (3) If I am an emotional wreck, it's dark, so no one can see me.

All in all the trip took me just over 9 hours. I started getting cabin fever a bit at around 12:00am. The radio housed a TON of Christmas stations which at that hour seemed to be full of sad or somber Holiday tunes, which is not and I mean NOT what the doctor ordered.

What else should I do besides get the party started? So, I kept shifting through the music stations until, of course I landed on a heart beating, booty-shakin' latin station. Perfect! I reached for my RedBull and "KcSsshhhhtttt". Woot-Woot! Let's dance until the wee hours of the morning, heck, no one is watching right?

Finally the last stretch was underway and, of course I needed gas. Uhhhgggg...I was only 15 minutes away from my destination and it was a bit past 4:00am. I pulled up to the gas station and the wind was whipping. My temperature gauge read 14 degrees (not including the wind chill). I got out of my car to pump my gas and OUCH, my body quickly remember these ice-cold winters. "Well, here I am" I thought.

I pulled into the driveway at my parents house which was a sheet of ice. My car was sliding everywhere, luckily they warned me at the state of their back roads as well as the driveway. My car was parked and I was done driving for the evening. ***siggghhhhh*** feels so good.

My eye-lids felt a little like sand paper so I decided to tuck in for the next few hours and get some shut-eye.

Hello Maine, I'm back and I've missed you.

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