Thursday, January 5, 2017

1st stop D.C.

Day one of our cross country venture began at 5:30am. The sleepy state of Maine woke with what seemed like one eye opened. A chilly beginning at 23 degrees coupled with low clouds, freezing rain and sand trucks left and right.

The state of Maine was coming to an end and the night sky was morphing like a gradual changing mood ring, slowly but assertively to daylight. Almost as assertive as a Virginia driver who decided my lane and exact spot I was driving in, was about to be hers, “BEEEEEEEEEEP”, I honked my horn a couple times, she missed me with what felt like centimeters….phew…That worked better than coffee to wake me up.

Last night as we were finishing up packing, we dowloaded four movies, 2 audiobooks and a cd. This should keep us going for a while.

Our eagerness jumped on the first audio book. The unabridged version of the 48 Laws of Power. WOW…this book is so intense. It is a 23 hour long audio version. The first couple hours have already been pretty intense. Here is a quote that was impressionable: 

“patience is your crucial shield. its a skill, it doesn't come naturally.  the supreme virtue of the gods that have nothing but time.”

About half way into our trip the data on my phone cut out. “NOOOO!” My phone is what I was using to navigate us. This was just a small little hiccup, as I was able to quickly contact Verizon to add more data. Easy fix. 

Washington D.C. was the city we decided to make our first overnight stay.  After sitting in traffic for a while, we were able to check into the Carlyle Hotel in NW. They gave us a complimentary glass of wine. Thannnnnkkk you kind sir for my glass, and yes, I’ll drink his too. Does the dog get one too? Just kidding, but really….

We tucked into the room and got Kohlo situated. Once he was set, we struck out for food. The hungry Michelle was being released. Quick, take action. Find her food! Thank you Siri for an amazing Asian Cuisine suggestion called Teaism. I enjoyed a fantastic vegetable curry that I’m still day dreaming about. 

After dinner, we walked to the car so we could quickly drive by the White House and see that. Ooops….my car wouldn't start. I left the light on inside and it drained my battery. DAMNIT! - Glad this was discovered before the morning of take-off. The valet at the hotel was extremely accommodating and treated us like stars. He used his personal car to give us a jump and then proceeded to valet park our car in front of the hotel with no charge to make it more accommodating for us.  Whaahhhhh?? He then knocked on our door later in the evening to tell us his shift was ending but he left his jumper cables with the other valet man that is working overnight and will be available in the morning to help us out if need be. -This man was heaven sent. I can’t get over how amazing of a person he is. 

Day One: Maine to Washington D.C. 

The next journey begins from Washington D.C. to…..stay tuned!

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