Friday, December 2, 2016

Minimalistic Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving to me is about reflection on what you have and have had that is cherish-able. It is also about real moment in time appreciation for those around you, gratefulness for what it is you do have rather than what you don't.

Traditionally, it is celebrated with a large feast of food and drink with loads of family/friends. For most of last 29 years, that is exactly what my fourth Thursday of every November embodied. This year, it's a bit different and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Today - Thanksgiving Day. I'm spending it with Kohlo. Appreciating the four legged creature that has my heart. He has been with me through bliss and pain. My fuzz-man is my rock; I can't imagine the last 9 years without him. I'm thankful he has been my right-hand man. I'm thankful for his undying love, his ability to zen me through times of stress, his dependance on me, his quirky and awkward unsure self at times, his gaze, his warm cuddles and most of all his reliability.

I ended my evening decorating the living CRAP out of Red Red Wine Bar  I will admit the impressive Christmas cheer this establishment delivers this year. I am blissfully happy that I was able to contribute cheer just a bit. Be sure to swing by and check it out if you live in Maryland.

There is a lot in my life to be thankful for; this year, here are a few that top my list:

1.) My family (Kohlo included) / friends from state to state
2.) New beginnings
3.) Health
4.) Spirituality

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