Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thankful for my Dentist

I have been a patient at Churchton Dental for about 4 years now. This includes regular cleanings and any other issues that I had with my teeth (luckily not many).

Since day one, this establishment has been glorious. I mean seriously, I have never walked into a dental office and wanted to hang out and stay longer than needed. Here, I do.

When you walk into the building you are greeted immediately in a calm, welcoming voice by the receptionist. She already knows who you are the moment you walk in.
The waiting area is to the left where the walls are painted in a sea blue hue. The decor is tranquil and nautical and the color scheme is light and airy. The white couches, light blue pillows and throw blankets accentuate the calmness, add to the ambiance and make you feel at home. Local artists paint and sell their artwork on all of the walls throughout the building. Which gives you a sense of community and involvement.

In the back portion of the waiting room there is a "drink" bar where you can enjoy ice cold water, a healthy fizzy drink or even coffee or tea. Work to do? there is a small little set up where you can sit and jump on your computer while waiting.

This sounds too good to be true right?

Anyway- back to my mission of blog.

I called ahead and made an appointment because I had a tooth that was bothering me. I mentioned on the phone that I no longer had dental insurance, so I would be paying out of pocket for the visit.

Today was the morning of my appointment. I walked in and immediately was greeted with a warm smile: "good morning Michelle". I sat patiently in the waiting room (no more than 5 minutes) before a technician gathered me and walked me down the perfectly ambient lit hallway into my "room". The doctor followed right behind us.
I explained which tooth was bothering me and he said: "no cavity, there is a slight hole in side of your tooth, let's just seal this up for you".

Once he was finished with my tooth. He looked at me in the eyes and said: "I want to thank you for being a really great patient and sticking to your appointments; we appreciate you. Today there is no charge". NO CHARGE?!?!  My eyes were larger than ever. He took my hand and said: "Have a happy Thanksgiving". I thanked him and tried to collect myself so not go be overly emotional. He certainly received the message from the front desk about my lack of insurance. I am speechless and grateful. What a wonderful establishment this is and a joy of a doctor.

That's as sappy as I'll get for now. I wanted to share with you what I am thankful for today; and that is my DENTIST <3

1 comment:

  1. No charge? How amazing! It's businesses like that that keep patients and customers coming back for years. Too many dentists and doctors don't create a personal relationship with their patients and I don't know why. Having a relationship with your patient is just good business. Showing appreciation for your patients is necessary to receive their continued support.
