Monday, December 12, 2016

Doppelgangers come in Mickey forms.

Doppelgangers come in many Mickey forms.

The last two weeks have been rough. Rough as in, I've been battling a cold and now it has settled in my chest.  I NEVER GET SICK!  I want to thank Ted Green for this. Ted and I work together at Red Red Wine and I suppose he decided that I needed a little glimpse into human reality of: EVERYONE GETS SICK THIS TIME OF YEAR. The season of giving and sharing has left me feeling like a deflated Mickey Mouse.

I was walking my dog the other morning. The wind was blowing, trees were creaking, and the ground had a frost.  My entire body felt as if I was 29 turning 97. It seemed as if Mother Nature had begun to administer Maryland with a wintery blast of pure punishment. Kohlo and I trucked on none-the-less.

We approached what looked like a shriveled...a shriveled....hmm...what the heck is it?...MICKEY MOUSE! "Oh, gosh, doesn't he look terrible" I thought. I immediately felt compassion and understanding for how Mickey looked. I could relate. We stood in front of him for a good minute analyzing his slouch and crumpled face, his googled eyes and ill-fitting hat. Poor Guy.

If my sickness could be summed up in one sad holiday decoration, it was this one. Thank you Mickey  for showing me my mirror image. 

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