Monday, November 21, 2016

Last Month In Annapolis, MD

The last 5 1/2 years have been spent living in Maryland. While these years have had many ups and downs, they have helped me grow immensely; both mentally and spiritually. It is now time to hit the reset button and begin life again...elsewhere.

I'm not sure where this blog is headed nor what exactly lies in my future. Wherever life takes me, I from this day on swear to cherish and embrace the organic flow of time and appreciate the things that truly make me smile.

My departure from Maryland begins on December 19th. From there I'll be headed up to Maine for the last couple holidays of the year and then driving out to California.

Stay along for my ride. I'll be sharing lots of travel experiences, food (of course!), life as it happens and things that make me smile. I'm really looking forward to blogging again!

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